Calling all Minecrafters
Mar 20th 2020

Are you a Minecrafter? Would you like to modify (mod) Minecraft with your own ideas? Then this new LIVE channel is for you!
Starting today, Game-U LIVE will be hosting a brand new livestream channel that's all about Minecraft modding. Join instructor Cedric from 6:00 PM EST - 7:00 PM EST each Friday to learn how to create custom mods, blocks, biomes, and more for this popular game.
Cedric will be using MCreator and Minecraft Forge, two widely used (and free) tools to modify Minecraft. He'll walk you through the process of creating your own modifications that you can then test for yourself.
For example - ever want to create your own Minecraft block? Control its properties, its texture, where it spawns, how rare it is? You can! Using MCreator, you can design the block texture yourself, create the block, and program it to behave or spawn the way you envision.
Get started modding Minecraft today! You can browse episodes here.
We look forward to seeing you online!