2020 Sneak Peak
Dec 27th 2019

In just a few days, we're entering a new year and a new decade! With 2020 so close, our team here at Game-U LIVE thought you might like a sneak peak at what 2020 LIVE episodes are in store.

Been following instructor Rebecca's Code Games (Thursdays at 5:15 PM) channel? Her first 2020 episode teaches you how to code your own madlib game! Players will be able to discover the story of a mysterious, wintry forest by playing the game and answering the prompts.

How about the Fantasy Worlds channel (Mondays 7:30 PM), the place for all things game assets? As instructor Cameron wraps his "The Craftsman," series, he'll be moving into a new series - "Medieval Ruins"! Tune in so he can walk you, step-by-step, through the process of creating your own medieval-style game environment in Unreal.

If you're interested in art or manga at all, you've got to check out Anisah's Manga channel (Thursdays 7:30 PM)! Her first 2020 episode is all about designing fantasy manga fashions. Let her show you how to unleash your imagination and take your manga characters to the next level!

You can't forget the Dungeon Crawlers channel (Wednesdays at 8:00 PM), either! Instructor Adam's new series introduces his brand new Dimension Warrior, a hero who must use his dimension-shifting powers to defeat an evil sorcerer. Learn how to create your own dimension warrior and give him the ability to complete his mission!
Exciting times ahead as we dive into 2020. Our team here at LIVE looks forward to bringing you new and amazing things to learn!